Testing Facility

Integrated Digital Technologies Corp is an Authorized Testing Center for multiple organizations. We are also a Premier Authorized Pearson Vue Testing Facility. Our testing facility is equipped with the latest equipment to guarantee your best experience while testing. Integrated Digital Technologies is equipped at this facility to provide all of the IT certifications and exams that accompany our courses.


As a testing center, IDT offers convenient times for candidates to take their exams throughout the year. We must emphasize that we are only a PROCTORING FACILITY which means delivering exams for third party organization.

We are not able to register, cancel, reschedule or postpone candidates exams. We also do not have all the answers to specific questions about your exam. To find details and guidelines about your exam, you need to visit their websites. Typically, their information can be found on the Vendor's websites or registration link or email confirmation sent to you.

We proctor more than 1000 different type of exams and follow instructions provided to us by the Testing vendors. Exams are assigned to us based on our schedule availability and are delivered to our proctoring stations on the day of the exam.  If you got an exam confirmation to take the exam at our facility, then you may assume that the exam will be ready for you on the scheduled date. If you need to confirm that your exam is scheduled, you will need to contact the vendor on which you registered the exam with.  WE ARE ONLY A PROCTORING FACILITY FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE DATE OF YOUR EXAM.


Integrated Digital Technologies

(Corporate Headquarters)
138 N. Brand Blvd., Suite 200
Glendale, California 91203

Business Hours
Monday thru Friday:   9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Saturday:                       7:30 AM - 6:00 PM (Testing opens based on registrations for that day)

Sunday:                        Closed

We are closed all major Holidays.

Our office is inside The Exchange Building on Brand Blvd. The Exchange Building is located across street from Olive Garden and California Pizza Kitchen.

Our parking is located on the structure in the back of the building (Entrance is on Artsakh Avenue formerly Maryland Ave). Parking charges vary depending on how long you stay at our facility. First 90 minutes are free. Maximum charge per day is $9.00. There are other lots and street parking available. Please see posted signs to avoid being ticketed by the Glendale Police.

Enter the structure and park on any level. Walk towards the courtyard (fountain) and you will see the building.

Attention IDT Students: If you include the purchase of vouchers in any of our packages (IDT), these vouchers will be good for a full year after your graduation. After that, there will be no refunds on expired vouchers. You can receive a refund on vouchers, if you submit you request in writing 30 days before the full year expiration date (exactly one year from the graduation date).


Please read the following guidelines as well as common questions that you may have during testing at IDT.

  • Upon arriving to our facility, clients must pick a number and wait at the lobby until they are called. Multiple people are scheduled at the same time and therefore, you may have to wait to be check in. Check in is based on a first come first served basis. If you have a special exam that requires to be check in by certain time, please inform the front desk upon your arrival.
  • Snacks and Water are allowed while testing at IDT. They must be stored in a locker and accessed during your break. Break policy for exams vary by the exam vendor.
  • We have 36 lockers and they are available for tester usage. We recommend to bring the essentials to be stored on the locker. If possible, just bring your ID(s) requested on your confirmation letter for a quick check in. Lockers are not guaranteed.
  • All common areas are wiped frequently with disinfectant including door knobs, table tops, computers, keyboards, mice and chairs.
  • We provide hand sanitizer for public use.
  • We provide wrapped ear plugs if needed as well as noise reduction headsets. You may also bring your own ear plugs. Ear plugs are provided to us by the testing vendors and we may run out of them at anytime.
  • Clients are encourage to bring their own hand sanitizer or wipe for their personal use
  • Masks are recommended to be worn during the exam.
  • Reception desk has a protective shield to allow safe interaction with the administrative staff
  • Clients can be asked to wash their hands prior to testing
  • Testing rooms are being used at full capacity and will be shared with several people.
  • Private Room accomodations are possible and must be coordinated with your testing vendor prior to the exam. (A charge may be incurred)
  • Partitions between workstations are placed on each desk
  • We retain the right to refuse service if we deemed that you are sick, have a flu or if you are not able to adhere to the testing center guidelines.
  • Phones must be completely off before entering testing area. We will ask you to show the phone off to the cameras.
  • You will be asked to store all your belongings on the locker. You will retain the key until you check out. We are not responsible for any of your belongings.
  • Do not leave the premises until you are fully check out.
  • Absolute silence is required during testing. Proctors will be entering the rooms periodically.
  • Improper conduct, violence or disturbing behavior will not be tolerated. 


Individuals are also encouraged to follow recommendations by the CDC for everyday preventive actions to help inhibit the spread of respiratory diseases:

  • Bring your vaccination card if available. Vaccination is not enforce.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Stay home when you are sick.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after using the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. 
  • If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitize with at least 60% alcohol. Always wash hands with soap and water if hands are visibly dirty.

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